Friday, September 14, 2007

Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi

Toraja Death Feast

The Toraja dead rituals are elaborates feasts which hold the greatest significance in the society. The more elaborated the rituals, the higher the familys gratitude and esteem considered to be for departed member. The rituals begin with the taking off the coffin from the family house, accompanied by the tau-tau, a wooden effigy of the dead person.

Traditional welcoming dances are performed for the guests an bull, cock and kick fighting (sisemba) are featured. The mass slaughter of buffaloes and pigs takes place afterwards. The final part of the ritual is when the corpse is taken to its final resting place in cave high up in the cliffs. A funeral feast for a high ranking Torajan often last for many days.

Further Information, please contact:

South Sulawesi Tourist Office
Gedung Mulo
Jl.Jend.Sudirman No.23, Makassar 90133
Phone : (62-411) 878912
Fax : (62-411) 872314
Email :

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